last updated: January 16, 2005 page editor: Ben Seattle | Media Weapon home page | Media Weapon wiki |
(1) the emerging revolution in communications and (2) open source methods of project management to wage information war that will energize progressive activists and swept away the confusion and corruption which paralyzes the left |
in the form of a group of activists who work in common on projects that advance our mission and program of action.
Different projects will compete with one another for
The projects that advance our mission in a practical and realistic way will
The projects listed on this page
If you are a subscriber to the
pof-200 email list
-- then feel free to |
![]() Time for action project status will be one of the following: -- work is being done every week -- some activity in the last six months -- no activity in the last six months -- may become active someday • Completed projects -- projects that are done |
will be one or more of the following:
• wiki content -- adding pages of interest to readers
• theory
-- development (or popularization) of ideas or theory (via exposition, discussion
• anti-reformism
-- the struggle against reformism which converts
• news site
-- development of an interactive news site fueled by the consciousness |
nbr | categories | • Who has endorsed? • Size of the project? • Date of most recent status report? • Related projects? | are required? | Only one endorsement per minute Want to make a comment on a project ? |
anti-reformism wiki page • create a page explaining, in simple language, what reformism is, how it works, and the social strata it is based on. Give lots of good examples. | anti-reformism, left-transparency |
Lead: DJ / Ben Endorsed by: Status: Jan 16 | requires: • Media skill |
Organize a study group to learn something about Marxism • A number of pof-200 subscribers are enthusiastic about this. We have not settled on what to study. Our first study will be of Lenin's famous Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism |
Lead: DJ Endorsed by: Status: Jan 10 | requires: |
add "blog" feature to wiki • add functionality that allows readers to post a comment in the right-hand column of any wiki page. (See this mockup page ) | active |
Lead: Ben Endorsed by: | requires: |
DJ / Ben discussion
concerning the fundamental goals and tactics of our movement
• Continue the DL/Ben exchange from September-October
DJ-588 (Sep 20) and WF-18 (Oct 3) (1) should our focus be on building a party or a community of activists? (2) the crisis of theory, (3) political transparency and (4) the struggle against the draft as a struggle for partial demands. This discussion holds potential for clarifying key issues and raising the consciousness of some of the pof-200 subscribers. Prerequisite: DJ and Ben have agreed to first work together on an anti-reformist web page as a confidence-building measure. | active |
Lead: DJ, Ben Endorsed by: Related: 100 | requires: |
Create a leaflet • A pof-200 reader proposed that we create a leaflet briefly describing how a society run by workers would function -- so that people know that there is an alternative. Ben responded with a proposal for a "dual-use" leaflet that (at least on its front side) would address the tasks of activists in the antiwar movement. |
Lead: no one Endorsed by: | requires: • Media skill |
Wiki / clean-up top, side and bottom margins • eliminate all dead or useless links from the margins which appear on all wiki pages |
Lead: no one Endorsed by: | requires: • Tech skill • Media skill |
create user zones in wiki
• modify scripts so that each user has a "zone" such that only he can modify the pages in that zone Also: (1) users will have the ability to give specific users editing rights to specific pages in their zone (2) each page will have text at top explaining to readers who is allowed to edit |
Lead: no one Endorsed by: | requires: |
Registration page for community members • a web-based form will ask new users questions and create a standardized output formatted for use as the source of a wiki "who" page | left-transparency |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: Related: 114 | requires: • Tech skill • Media skill |
Wiki / Improved who's who page • Readers should not get lost in a sea of verbage when trying to learn about community members. All information should be clearly and cleanly laid out and easy to find. |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: Related: 111 | requires: • Tech skill • Media skill |
Wiki / member links page
• recommendations by community members
• everyone gets a small window (or combines their real estate with others to get a larger joint window) | left-transparency |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: | requires: • Tech skill • Media skill |
Wiki / recommended reading page • everyone can promote their views and favorite articles on a level playing field. |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: | requires: • Tech skill • Media skill |
Wiki / Democracy page
• we need one good enough to replace the crap on wikipedia. The word "democracy" is a decisive ideological fortress serving the bourgeoisie. The proletariat must storm this fortress and put it at the service of our class. Note 1: We could also send email to various left groups asking for their opinions on how to best define this. Note 2: We can eventually replicate our success with other key words such as communism, proletarism, reformism, etc | theory, left-transparency wiki content |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: Related: 107 | requires: • Media skill |
experiment with email syndication
• (a) send article (formatted for email) to a number of lists and systematically
(b) collect all responses, (c) give "quick response" within 48 hours, (d) give deeper response within ten days Candidate articles for syndication: proletarism, burning man, part 7 of ALDS (in installments), article on religion in post-bourgeois society which could be written | theory |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: Related: 106 | requires: • Media skill |
Report on Indymedia development and evolution • a series of ongoing reports, 3 or 4 times a year, summarising developments in the indymedia world. What sites are being added, removed or reorganized (and why)? What are the controversies? What are the major schools of thought and practice re: filtering of posts by trolls, more advanced filtering, reformism, team-building, 501(3)c status, etc | left-transparency |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: | requires: • Media skill |
Survey of radical email lists
• Which are the best ones? Where do we go to make contact with the most serious, thoughtful, militant activists? We should survey anarchist, "marxist" and antiwar lists as well as lists for technical activism. We need something better than the outdated, incomplete and one-sided list at | syndication |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: Related: 101 | requires: |
Systematic line comparison • compare the views of 3 or 4 leftist groups on religion in post-bourgeois society -- or reformism -- or democracy -- or something interesting |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: | requires: |
Report on a key email list • A monthly report on Proyect's list at |
Lead: No one Endorsed by: | requires: • Media skill |
Wiki / clean-up front page • have nothing on the front page except the bare minimum that needs to be there so page is not so confusing to readers • eliminate all dead or useless links and garbage | Dec 2004 |
Lead: Ben Size: * * | requires: • Media skill |
Wiki / create decent help pages • New readers should be able to navigate around and create wiki pages without a college degree in software development | Dec 2004 |
Lead: Ben Size: * * | requires: • Media skill |
More projects can be found at: Digital Infrastructure for Communist Transparency
project numbers are added sequentially as projects are added to the list | |
concise descriptive name of project | |
mission statement |
concrete objectives of project |
will be one of these: active • semi-active • hibernation • proposed • completed (see top of this page for detailed descriptions of each) | |
will be one or more of these:
wiki function • wiki content • theory • syndication • leaflets • anti-reformism • news site • left transparency (see top of this page for detailed descriptions of each) |
(ie: person in charge) |
Who has volunteered to make this project happen? Who do you contact if you want to complain about something, or have a suggestion or want to help? Who "owns" the project and has responsibility for making hard decisions? |
who endorses this project (ie: recommends it to others as a potentially useful place to invest one's time, energy and passion) ? | |
Does this project require a lot of time, effort and thought? Will it be easy? -- or will it require a medium or substantial amount of effort? Or should the project be broken into smaller, easier projects? * = easy ** = medium *** = substantial **** = we need to break this project up into smaller, easier projects |
date of most recent status report (and link to the wiki page with status report) |
Related to other projects? (ie: mother, daughter or sister projects)
If so -- there will be link to the row in the Projects table that describes the project |
Requires political experience and judgement. This includes understanding how the bourgeois/imperialist political system works, and how reformism and sectarianism corrupt and paralyze the progressive movement. |
Requires technical experience or aptitude This ranges from being comfortable playing with the wiki as a user -- to being comfortable modifying the wiki code. |
Requires media or journalistic skill. • Can you write effectively so that readers can understand new ideas? • Do you understand how how to lay out a web page so readers can easily navigate around? • Do you understand how new readers might "see" an email posting or web page? |
or make |
add your name here together with a short comment if you believe that this would be
a worthwhile project. Of course the most powerful endorsement would be to
volunteer to help out with the project or to lead the project.
Note 1: If you want to simply make a comment or ask a question without
endorsing the project -- then simply add "(comment only)" or "(question only)"
at the beginning of the comment text field. |